Most haunted is a great show presented by ex Blue Peter presenter Yvette Fielding, in where Yvette and her team traverl the world, well the UK mainly looking for ghosts and other spooky stuff.
At each location they are always accompanied by a medium. (someone who has connections to the afterlife) this medium will try to feel the presence of any entities in the room or location. At each location the structure for the investigation is normally the same.
- There is a group vigal looking for ghostly stuff with the medium doing their medium thing.
- Then individuals will go off to parts of the location to see if they can see or feel anything on their own. This is normally Carl (the exec producer / Hubby of Yvette) and Stuart (lighting type guy) these 2 will brave the location to find and honestly just get themselves scared. Rather them than me.
- There will normally be some kind of direct communication with the other side, normally a seance around a table.
- Another vital member of the team is the resident science bod, kieran he keeps everything above board to validates all findings.
- The next important member of the team is the historian, this at the moment is lesley. She does a great job of looking up the information the medium comes up with.
Watch out for Most Haunted on LivingTV in the UK, normally Tuesday as 9pm.
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