TAPS - Trans Atlantice Paranormal Society

I was watching TAPS last night and as always it was a great show. What seems strange to me is that it appears that they are having problems with staffing, the staff jsut does not seem to be doing the work correctly to find any evidence on the footage caught.

I think its a shame as TAPS is quite a cool program, and has found some cool stuff already.

So what does the world out there think of this? Is TAPS on the way out? I Hope not.


OK huge sigh from me, Thanks fully TAPS is still going strong and getting bigger everyday, Great work by Jason and Grant and teh team, and its now even moved overseas in the form of Ghost Hunters International. GREAT WORK to all invloved.


Sean J Connolly said...

I am glad you enojy my ghostly findings, I am hoping to post lots of scary of not so scary stuff, so stay posted.
